On 06/23/14 17:29, Luis R. Rodriguez wrote:
On Mon, Jun 23, 2014 at 12:06:48PM -0700, Casey Leedom wrote:
   I've looked through the patch and I might be wrong, but it appears that
all the uses of the asynchronous request_firmware_nowait() are followed
immediately by wait_for_completion() calls which essentially would be the
same as the previous code with an added layer of mechanism.  Am I missing
No you're right and I frailed to mention my original goal really is to
see if we can instead move that to ndo_init().

  Okay, thanks for confirming that.  I thought I was being very stupid.

The problem I think with ndo_init() is that comes off a Network Device (struct net_device) and you can't have Network Devices till you talk to the adpater, discover how many ports you have, what their MAC Addresses are, etc. And of course you'd then have to be prepared for an ndo_init() call on every instantiated Network Device on an adapter and only do the device initialization for the first (while holding off any and all activity on the others), etc. All doable but a bit more complicated than doing this at Device Probe time.

   We do have a problem with initialization of multiple adapters with
external PHYs since, for each adapter we can check to see if the main
adapter firmware needs updating, and then load the PHY firmware.  If the
main firmware needs updating on more than one adapter, the combined time to
update each adapter's main firmware plus load the PHY firmware can exceed
some Distribution's default limits for a driver module's load time (since
the kernel seems to be processing the PCI Probe of each device
I noticed that for configuration updates it is optional for these configuration
updates to exist, in which case then if udev is enabled the driver will wait
quite a long time unncessarily. To fix that it seems request_firmware_direct()
would be better.

Hhmmm, I'm unfamiliar with all of this. I hadn't looked that far under the covers of request_firmware() to know that any of these variants existed, what their semantics were and when one over the other was the preferred API.

   It seems to me that it's unfortunate that the limit isn't on a per device
basis since a system could have an arbitrary number of devices managed by a
driver module.
The timeout is for the amount of time it takes the kernel to get the firemware,
not for device initialization, so its unclear to me that the 60 timeout thing
is actually causing an issue here.

Are you sure about that? I just loaded firmware on two of my T4-based adapters and each took about 15 seconds to complete. The firmware is ~0.5MB and needs to be written to the on-adapter FLASH. The PHY firmware takes a bit less but not a lot. Add that to the time to do general adapter initialization and you're cruising close to 1 minute for two adapters ... Thus, my comment that whatever timeout is present should really be per-adapter based ... and it would be nice if the driver could inform the kernel as to the expected maximum device probe initialization time so we didn't have to have a huge inappropriate timeout for all devices ...

Also, it might be useful if there was a way for the driver
module to "tell" the timeout mechanism that forward progress _is_ being
made so it doesn't blow away the driver module load.
Indeed if this is actually needed, but believe the issue here for the
huge delays might be instead the lack of not using request_firmware_direct()
and actual device initialization time, which I do not believe we penalize,
we should be penalizing only the amount of time it takes either the
kernel or udev to read the firmware from the filesystem.

If you want I can time the actual phases of loading new firmware: request_firmware(), writing it to FLASH, release_firmware() ...

  And maybe, if I'm
right regarding the sequential nature of the introduction of devices to
driver modules, it might make sense for a driver module to be able to
"tell" the kernel that it has no per-device dependencies and multiple
devices may be probed simultaneously ...
What if just configuration updates use request_firmware_direct() and
for the actual firmware which is required a request_firmware_nowait()
with a proper wait_for_completion() on the ndo_init() ?

I'm not quite sure I understand what you're asking here. The cxgb4 driver attaches to the firmware in the probe() stage and, if the firmware is older then the supported version, upgrades the firmware and RESETs the device. Then, for adapters with external PHYs (10Gb/s BT predominantly), the same process can happen for the PHY firmware (or on some adapters which have no PHY-attached FLASH, this happens for every driver load). It's conceivable that we could defer the PHY firmware load till the first ndo_open() but we'd still be stuck with the seemingly broken idea that a simple timeout for a driver module load is good enough when what we seem to need is a timeout per device ...

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