On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 7:27 PM, Javier Martinez Canillas
<martinez.jav...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Yes, I saw it. That is why I didn't post our modifications to the ISP
> CCDC driver. Our approach is very similar to the one followed by TI
> (changing the CCDC output buffer every two VD0 interrupts) but we did
> different a few things:
> - decouple next buffer obtaining from last buffer releasing
> - maintain two buffers (struct isp_buffer), current and last
> - move move most of the logic to the VD1 interrupt since the ISP is
> already busy while execution VD0 handler.

If you think it is a better approach you can submit it for review,
right now there is no "clean" version supporting bt656 so yours can be
the one.

>>>> Even if it does detect the signal shape (NTSC, PAL), doesn't one still need
>>>> to [externally] configure the pads for this shape?
>>> Yes, that is why I wanted to do the auto-detection for the tvp5151, so
>>> we only have to manually configure the ISP components (or any other
>>> hardware video processing pipeline entities, sorry for my
>>> OMAP-specific comments).
>> Laurent was not very happy [3] about changing video formats out of the
>> driver control, so this should be discussed more.
>> [3]: http://www.spinics.net/lists/linux-omap/msg56983.html
> Ok, I thought it was the right thing to do, my bad. Lets do it from
> user-space then using the MCF.

I see there is some ongoing discussion about a similar topic, so just
follow it and see how it turns out.

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