Linux-Misc Digest #262, Volume #27                Thu, 1 Mar 01 13:13:01 EST

  mount priviliege (Martin Greco)
  Re: How to limit upload (Carfield Yim)
  Outlook to GNU/Linux mailbox conversion is possible with existing tools (Dan 
  A simple question about patching the kernel (L Tam)
  Re: configuration problem with 2.4.2 and reiserfs (Tom Brinkman)
  Re: Pipes (Barry Margolin)
  COL 2.3 trouble with mouse in shutdown dialog (Roger Blake)
  Re: /bin/sh (Chet Ramey)
  Re: COL 2.3 trouble with mouse in shutdown dialog (Roger Blake)
  COL 2.3 mouse malfunctions after KDE session (Roger Blake)
  LILO graphical boot message ("Chris West")
  What Linux distribution for RISC ? (Joel)
  Re: apache allowoverride problem ("Steve Wolfe")
  Re: A simple question about patching the kernel (Paul Kimoto)
  Re: configuration problem with 2.4.2 and reiserfs ("jujubeesRULE")
  Re: gcc problem (Paul Kimoto)
  bounix 1.2.1 - Unix Client for Back Orifice 2000 ("Kris Dillen")
  Linux is always slow th enext morning, a cry for help! (Larry Clark)
  Re: Abuse, step by step ([EMAIL PROTECTED])


From: Martin Greco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: mount priviliege
Date: Thu, 1 Mar 2001 12:39:00 +0000

I would like to know how to give mount priviliege to a common user, as I 
gave execute permission with chmod It still says "only root can do that"

Any help?



From: Carfield Yim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Re: How to limit upload
Date: Fri, 02 Mar 2001 00:12:56 +0800

Gene Heskett wrote:
> Gene Heskett sends Greetings to Carfield Yim;
>  CY> When I telnet to my home computer using some application which contain
>  CY> many text base GUI componet (like mc and lynx), the internet connection
>  CY> of my home computer will freeze.
>  CY> I guess that if I upload too much thing through adsl modem will have
>  CY> problem, How can I limit the upload bandwidth of my pppoe connection?
> Is there some way that you can specify an 'asyncmap a0000' or similar to
> the pppoe setup.  It sounds like the path is not escaping the xon/xoff
> characters, and the data contains such characters.
> Just an untamed fowl to chase (aka wild goose) mind you. :)
I am sorry, I don't understand what you say, can you tell me more?
Besides, I have check the man page of pppoe.conf, I can't find at item
call "asyncmap", what is it?


From: Dan Jacobson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Outlook to GNU/Linux mailbox conversion is possible with existing tools
Date: 02 Mar 2001 00:01:03 +0800

How I got my mail out of Outlook 2000 and Outlook Express 5 into GNU/Linux
without special tools By Dan Jacobson 3/2001

Below is me commenting on my earlier [D>] discussion.  Below I've left
the steps a little loose... maybe somebody will polish this up.  I
didn't try the IMAP thingy.  I did try lots of windows programs
mentioned on webpages, that didn't work...

They say one needs fancy tools to extract ones Outlook 5 mail files
into say a Unix mbox format or whatever.  However, I have found a
obscure passageway out.

D> Preliminary results on getting one's sent netnews messages [and
D> perhaps any other stuff in a .dbx file] out of the clutches of
D> Outlook and Outlook Express 5:

D> Goal: stop using M$ and get on GNU/Linux.  Problem: I've got
D> several hundred of my brilliant netnews posts that I must take with
D> me if I want to keep my record of never having lost a byte of my
D> precious golden keystrokes intact.  Email too, sent & received.

Can you believe were about to move our stuff from Outlook into Outlook
Express then into GNU/Linux.

Indeed, seemed like they sealed up plain Outlook2000 pretty good, but
wait, in Outlook Express I noticed I could "import" my plain Outlook
folders!  Ah ha!  Be sure to rename any Outlook Express folder of the
same name before you do this, else plain Outlook messages will be
copied into it alongside your original messages.  Yuck.

Import steps were: [using the letter symbols, because I don't know
what the original English names are because I use the Chinese
version.] File (F)>I>E, select 'Microsoft outlook' (S), Messages,
select the plain Outlook folder to integrate or all, note that you will get
you messages intermingled with Outlook Express messages unless you first
renamed you Outlook Express folders.  Yuck.

[brief interlude of me banging around inside the maze that they thought
they had sealed up:]

D> you control-click them [to select more than one, better yet,
D> there's a select all option on a menu] and then you got to the file
D> menu choice and discover that the 'save to file' choice is no
D> longer highlighted, ha ha they only allow you to save one file, no
D> problem: give up and instead now go to 'search' thru that folder [I
D> don't know the exact English menu names because I'm using the
D> Chinese version, plus too lazy to check], you search match all your
D> items, and again the save to file option's lights are out as you
D> have chosen more than one file, but not the forward option !!! ha
D> ha the chumps at M$ forgot to seal that off [Win98SE]! Conspiracy
D> failed!  OK, so you 'send' all your news items in that folder as a
D> multi file attachment.... and save this unsent mail to disk.
D> Indeed, it has a long attachment with your files uuencoded!  we are
D> almost home!

To reiterate: Still in Outlook Express, select the folder of interest,
and select find: Edit (E)>F>M, now search for everything, e.g., by
checking all items 'earlier' than 'now', now all items are added to
the found set, then select them all: Edit (E)>A.

Now pick Mail(M)>A to 'send them all as attachments' [devious or
what?!], now choose File (F)>A to save this letter with its many
attachments as a file.  [Don't pick "save the attachments" (V) as that
will create a mess, especially with same Subject lines...]

Save this file as whatever.eml . [Inside this file one can see that the
messages are also uuencoded .eml files.]

D> OK, now boot up GNU/Linux and go to that file and run my brilliant
D> shell script below. when I did it my file with the long attachment
D> was called *.eml . "col" I think cured the ^M's at end of
D> lines. [try dos2unix next time]

: #middle part of Outlook 5 -> Outlook Express 5 -> gnus travail
set -ex
#my personal setup for this run
source=mysentmail.eml #file forced out of OE 5 by extreme methods
target=outlook_sent_mail #I plan to call a new gnus nnml folder
#or for another run of mine:

maildir=~/Mail/mail/$target #gnus's'
grep -c begin\ 666 $source #informational and quit if error [0 found]] [set -e] above]
mkdir $maildir #fail if already there... we would be overwriting!
cat $source|col| (cd $maildir
awk '
BEGIN {xxx="uudecode"}
#uudecode only can handle one encapsulated file it seems
/begin 666/ {print "begin 666 "++a|xxx;next} #neaten names, else uses Subject...
/^end/ {close (xxx)}
chmod og-rw * #mail is private

D> this gives you $maildir/1 $maildir/2 $maildir/3 ...  each file
D> containing one of your brilliant posts, which I'm sure now can be
D> handled by gnus in one of its many modes...  I 'suppose' you needn't
D> neaten file names if you don't mind spaces in filenames and want to
D> see the subject as the filename... but what if there's a slash in
D> there or something... forget it and use 45 46 47... much cleaner.

More on our next episode.  Anyway _maybe_ one would just $ cat * >
becomes_a_new_unix_mailbox_format_file [but add "Lines:" first, see
below] but I will see how gnus deals with the separate files on our
next episode.

ok, in this episode I had already behind the scenes put those files
where gnus wants them (see news:gnu.emacs.gnus to learn about gnus,
I'm not going to go into detail here, as I'm not too qualified.)
However, the ones from Outlook were missing the "Lines", as well as
were some of those from Outlook Express,

#now in shell,
#see which are lacking the ^Lines line

set -x
for i in ~/Mail/mail/*o*
        cd $i
        ls|wc -l
        grep ^Lines: *|wc -l

of my 1 Outlook Express box and 2 Outlook boxes, I found
messages vs. "Lines:" header found
904  906 mail/my_oe_posts
850  5   mail/outlook_inbox
1336 906 outlook_sent_mail
Therefore I will add the Lines header of some messages with:

set -ex #-e because dangerous if mistype
# Add "Lines:" header lines to already extracted individual
# former outlook messages and strip DOS carriage returns too.
# Below I use dos2unix which just removes DOS carriage returns
# I found it on my Mandrake Contributions CD, 10Kbytes
# dos2unix-3.1-6mdk.i586.rpm

mkdir $T
cp -p $F/* $T #or do dir dir...
cd $T
set +e
for i in *
    dos2unix $i #strip carriage returns
    sed '/^$/q' $i|grep -q "^Lines:" && continue
    set `sed -n '/^$/{=;q;}' $i`  `wc -l $i`
    body_lines=`expr $2 - $1 + 1`
    ed $i <<EOF
Lines: $body_lines
done #ed did add newlines to the end of a few files, ok, i suppose

diff -b $F $T

#now cautiously move them back over the old ones, and do
# (nnml-generate-nov-databases-1 "~/Mail/mail/outlook_sent_mail/")
# (nnml-generate-nov-databases-1 "~/Mail/mail/outlook_inbox/")
# (nnml-generate-nov-databases-1 "~/Mail/mail/my_oe_posts/")
# inside gnus

Anyways, In gnus I now see
     838: nnml:mail.outlook_inbox
     902: nnml:mail.my_oe_posts
    1324: nnml:mail.outlook_sent_mail
probably because I have
(setq gnus-secondary-select-methods '((nnml "")))
in .gnus.el . But I forgot. I haven't done the stuff in Info "File:
 gnus,  Node: To From Newsgroups" yet.

>>>>> "ZSH" == ShengHuo ZHU <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

ZSH> "Osman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>> Hi, I want to start using Gnus as my mail reader (i know it's
>>> really a news reader), but before i do the switch I have to,
>>> somehow, convert 2-3000 mails from my current mail reader which is
>>> Outlook Express 5.5 to something that Gnus understands, so I need
>>> a program which can do this.  Does anyone here know of any such
>>> programs or have any experience with doing this ?  Alternatively,
>>> if that is not possible, I can convert these messages to something
>>> else (ie. Netscape mail) and then do the conversion

ZSH> OGnus (since 2000-07-16) can read some formats of OE mailboxes as
ZSH> nndoc, i.e., you can type `G f' to subscribe an OE mailbox, then
ZSH> copy messages from the mailbox to another backend.  But I am not
ZSH> sure whether it understands the format of OE 5.5 mailbox.  If
ZSH> not, sending me a sample mailbox (at least two mails in it) will
ZSH> help me figure it out.

P.S. This advice copyright GNU/GPL, No warranty [duh.] Mom says backup first.
-- Tel886-4-25854780 e-mail:restore .com.


Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux
Subject: A simple question about patching the kernel
Date: Fri, 02 Mar 2001 00:47:37 +0800

Books and READMEs just talk about patch-2.4.x.gz. How is the file
patch-2.4.x.gz.sign used? Should I gunzip it and then apply patch?


From: Tom Brinkman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: configuration problem with 2.4.2 and reiserfs
Date: Thu, 01 Mar 2001 16:26:12 GMT

Dragan Colak wrote:

> Hi group,
> I'm trying to compile a new kernel 2.4.2. My hard drives
> are formated with reiserfs, so I try to compile reiserfs into
> the kernel. I'm using xconfig to do that.
> But there is a problem. In the menu 'File Systems' the
> item 'Reiserfs support' is grey. It doesn't give me the
> possibility to choose y-m-n.
> On my hard disk there is a directory /usr/src/linux/fs/reiserfs
> full of *.c files. So xconfig should find it.
> What did I miss? Is there an option I have to check first?
> Can anybody help me, please?

   IIRC, the first option in xconfig is 'Code Maturity Options, Prompt 
for development code/drivers'.  I believe you need to answer Y here to 
enable the Rfs option later in the config.
Tom Brinkman                                     Galveston Bay


From: Barry Margolin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Pipes
Date: Thu, 01 Mar 2001 16:29:51 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Manoj K Krishnan  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>How to use pipes to communicate between tow child processes of a parent
>process. I would be glad if you explain briefly witha psuedocode.

See the a recent thread on this subject in comp.unix.programmer.  Your
question is really inapproprite for .admin.

P.S. Why did you put your question in the thread about redirecting stderr?
Don't use a Followup/Reply command if you're starting a new topic.

Barry Margolin, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Genuity, Burlington, MA
Please DON'T copy followups to me -- I'll assume it wasn't posted to the group.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Roger Blake)
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux.caldera
Subject: COL 2.3 trouble with mouse in shutdown dialog
Date: Thu, 01 Mar 2001 16:30:17 GMT

I'm having a bizarre problem on a friend's Caldera OpenLinux 2.3 system:
after a KDE session, when shutting down the computer via the "Shutdown..."
button on the GUI login screen, the "Shutdown or Restart" dialog box does
not respond to mouse clicks.  It is necessary to use the keyboard to select
the desired option and press the "OK" button.  Everything else on the screen
seems to respond normally, one can still select a user and log into another
KDE session with no apparent problem.

This only occurs after completing a KDE session. If one boots up to the
graphical login screen and immediately selects "Shutdown..." the dialog
box responds normally to mouse clicks.

Current COL 2.3 updates for XFree86 and KDE have been installed.  The kernel
is generic 2.2.18 with Win4Lin patches. (The problem also occurs with the
original 2.2.10 Caldera kernel.)

This is an annoying, if non-fatal problem.  Anyone else run into this
and find a solution? (I've checked the Caldera knowledge base and
poked around in a few other places and haven't yet found anything...)

  Roger Blake
  (remove second "g" and second "m" from address for email)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Chet Ramey)
Subject: Re: /bin/sh
Date: 1 Mar 2001 16:37:26 GMT

>>      $ ls -l /bin/sh
>>      lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root        4 Oct 21  1999 /bin/sh -> bash
>>      $ cat > zzz
>>      #!/bin/sh
>>      echo ~
>>      echo $PPID
>>      echo $(date)
>>      VAR=99
>>      let "VAR = VAR + 1"
>>      echo $VAR
>>      ((VAR = VAR + 1))
>>      echo $VAR
>>      ^D
>>      $ chmod 755 zzz
>>      $ ./zzz
>>      /home/franl
>>      844
>>      Fri Feb 23 21:34:55 EST 2001
>>      100
>>      ./zzz: VAR: command not found
>>      100

What I suspect is happening here is that /bin/sh and /bin/bash are
bash-1.14.x (as appears on RedHat 6, for example).  The ((...))
compound command was not implemented until bash-2.0.

>>      $ bash zzz
>>      /home/franl
>>      844
>>      Fri Feb 23 21:36:44 EST 2001
>>      100
>>      101

And I suspect you're getting a different version of bash (>= bash-2.0)
``The lyf so short, the craft so long to lerne.'' - Chaucer
( ``Discere est Dolere'' -- chet)



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Roger Blake)
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux.caldera
Subject: Re: COL 2.3 trouble with mouse in shutdown dialog
Date: Thu, 01 Mar 2001 16:42:51 GMT

Minor addendum to this problem: once exiting the KDE session,
mouse clicks on the login screen are completely ignored. I incorrectly
reported that only the Shutdown dialog box was affected.

  Roger Blake
  (remove second "g" and second "m" from address for email)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Roger Blake)
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux.caldera,,
Subject: COL 2.3 mouse malfunctions after KDE session
Date: Thu, 01 Mar 2001 17:05:39 GMT

I'm having a bizarre problem on a friend's Caldera OpenLinux 2.3 system,
after exiting a KDE session, the mouse goes "funny in the head" until
the X server is restarted. (I previously reported this as a problem
with the "Shutdown" dialog box, but playing around with the system some
more I'm seeing other effects, so I issued a cancel and am posting this
description instead.)

What seems to happen is this: One boots the system up into the graphical
login screen and everything appears to work OK. Log in and start a KDE
session. Run some apps (or not), everything seems fine. Log out, back to
the GUI login screen.  Now things get a little funny with mouse clicks.
The screen may not respond to mouse clicks at all. Part of the screen might
respond and other parts might not. One might click on a particular item on
the screen and have something completely different respond to the mouse click.
I've also seen this kind of behavior on this system when switching from
X to a virtual console screen and back.

Restarting the X server with Ctrl-Alt-Backspace returns mouse reponse
back to normal.

Current COL 2.3 updates for XFree86 and KDE have been installed.  The kernel
is generic 2.2.18 with Win4Lin patches. (The problem also occurs with the
original 2.2.10 Caldera kernel.)

This is an annoying, if non-fatal problem.  Anyone else run into this
and find a solution? (I've checked the Caldera knowledge base and
poked around in a few other places and haven't yet found anything...)

  Roger Blake
  (remove second "g" and second "m" from address for email)

  Roger Blake
  (remove second "g" and second "m" from address for email)

  Roger Blake
  (remove second "g" and second "m" from address for email)


From: "Chris West" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: LILO graphical boot message
Date: Thu, 1 Mar 2001 17:17:17 -0000

Anyone know how I can create a new graphical boot message for LILO.
Redhat 7.0 uses this from the message entry in /etc/lilo.conf but I can't
tell what format the graphic file is.

$ cat /etc/lilo.conf

$ file /boot/message
/boot/message: data


Subject: What Linux distribution for RISC ?
Date: Thu, 01 Mar 2001 17:30:04 -0000

I have inherited an HP Visualize C200 workstation from my companys 
engineering department. It has a "PA-RISC Powered" badge on the case, I'm 
wondering if there is a version of Linux that will run on RISC hardware 
and if so which is the one people recommend? Any input would be 

Posted via CNET


From: "Steve Wolfe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking,japan.www.server.apache
Subject: Re: apache allowoverride problem
Date: Thu, 1 Mar 2001 10:22:05 -0700

> I'm trying to use .htaccess on my persoanl server and I'm trying to
> the use of .htaccess files
> so in my httpd.conf , I change the AllowOverride from non to All or even
> AuthConfig but it does not work, I get an 500 Internal Server Error when I
> do that any ideas why ?

  What does your errorlog say?



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Paul Kimoto)
Subject: Re: A simple question about patching the kernel
Date: 1 Mar 2001 12:38:26 -0500

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, L Tam wrote:
> Books and READMEs just talk about patch-2.4.x.gz. How is the file
> patch-2.4.x.gz.sign used?

See, which begins:

: Files placed in the Linux Kernel Archives are automatically
: OpenPGP-signed by the archive. This signature can be used to prove that a
: file, which may have been obtained from a mirror site or other location,
: really originated at the Linux Kernel Archives.

Paul Kimoto
This message was originally posted on Usenet in plain text.  Any images, 
hyperlinks, or the like shown here have been added without my consent,
and may be a violation of international copyright law.


From: "jujubeesRULE" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: configuration problem with 2.4.2 and reiserfs
Date: Thu, 01 Mar 2001 17:41:17 GMT

In article <97l9ii$p6u7h$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Dragan Colak"

> Hi group,
> I'm trying to compile a new kernel 2.4.2. My hard drives are formated
> with reiserfs, so I try to compile reiserfs into the kernel. I'm using
> xconfig to do that.
> But there is a problem. In the menu 'File Systems' the item 'Reiserfs
> support' is grey. It doesn't give me the possibility to choose y-m-n.
> On my hard disk there is a directory /usr/src/linux/fs/reiserfs full of
> *.c files. So xconfig should find it.
> What did I miss? Is there an option I have to check first? Can anybody
> help me, please?
> Thanks in advance
> Dragan

Code maturity level options  --->[*] Prompt for development and/or
incomplete code/drivers


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Paul Kimoto)
Subject: Re: gcc problem
Date: 1 Mar 2001 12:49:11 -0500

[posted and e-mailed]

In article <3a9e54a2$0$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Dave Seff wrote:
>   char *string1 = "We will all shout \"Howdy\" now!\n";
>   char *string2;
>   int i, len;
>   len = strlen(string1);
>   printf("%s\n", string1);
>   for(i = 0; i < len; i++)
>     if (string1[i] == '\"')
>       string1[i] = '\'';

> It compiles but segfaults on the string1[i] = '\''; line. This same code
> runs file on Solaris and DGUX. 

Using gcc?!

If you must, you can make this work using the "-fwritable-strings" flag.
The gcc info pages say:

: `-fwritable-strings'
:      Store string constants in the writable data segment and don't
:      uniquize them.  This is for compatibility with old programs which
:      assume they can write into string constants.  The option
:      `-traditional' also has this effect.
:      Writing into string constants is a very bad idea; "constants"
:      should be constant.

Paul Kimoto
This message was originally posted on Usenet in plain text.  Any images, 
hyperlinks, or the like shown here have been added without my consent,
and may be a violation of international copyright law.


From: "Kris Dillen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: bounix 1.2.1 - Unix Client for Back Orifice 2000
Date: Thu, 01 Mar 2001 17:50:00 GMT

Hi all

I've been looking for more documentation about bounix -Back Orifice client
for Linux.
I tried version 1.2 and 1.3 with timeouts as the only result. The Windows
clients I'm using are funtioning fine though, so it has to be a
configuration thing. Since I live outside the US, I don't use 3DES but XOR..
Bounix does not seem to be able to make a difference between those two.
Unless their is more to configure.
ANy idea ?
Pėrhaps you have more experience with this piece of software.

Kris Dillen


From: Larry Clark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Linux is always slow th enext morning, a cry for help!
Date: Thu, 01 Mar 2001 10:05:12 -0800

well I used to think it was a samba problem, now I realize it must be an
everything problem. I used to come in in th emorning and boot my
machine, and the mappings I had to samba would not take and I would get
an error. so I thought it was samba fallinng asleep at night. well I use
a batch file now that uses the net use command to remap my drives each
morning and it works flawlessly. now my problem is in the morning I come
in and try to try to sendmail and it takes forever. I try to recieve my
mail and I don't. I thought rebooting the machine would help but it
isn't. I am using sendmail 8.9.3, and qpopper latest version from
qualcomm. I can go to the console and get the mail sent from a client
but picking it up is anopther thing. also it just seems like sendmail is
really slow now after one night. what is the genral consensus regarding
sendmailand qpopper? any help would be appreciated. thanks....larry


Subject: Re: Abuse, step by step
Date: Thu, 1 Mar 2001 14:05:35 +0000

[EMAIL PROTECTED] did eloquently scribble:
> Sorry for my brief post.

> Yes, Abuse is that shoot-em-up game. You can download it from 
> I cannot figure out how to run it, nor any other program 
> that comes in a tar.gz file. I cannot give you an exact error message 
> because I have NO clue what to do.

Errr... Most programs come with a README file and an INSTALL file.
I can't imagine abuse being any different.

|   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   | "Are you pondering what I'm pondering Pinky?"   |
|Andrew Halliwell BSc(hons)|                                                 |
|            in            | "I think so brain, but this time, you control   |
|     Computer Science     |  the Encounter suit, and I'll do the voice..."  |



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End of Linux-Misc Digest

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