On Friday 12 September 2008, Gadiyar, Anand wrote:
> > Sounds like code that can live in mach-omap2 and be called
> > when the drivers start or stop.
> Yup. Then a lot of the code in that ehci-omap.c file would need
> to be moved there to avoid duplicating code. Will do that when
> I add the OHCI bus-glue. 

OK.  To clarify:  it could also be argued that such stuff
should be in some bit of drivers/usb/host code ... but from
my previous exposure to OMAP USB stuff, I assume this kind
of code will be a lot more SOC-sensitive (revisions etc)
than we like to see in the USB tree.  The setup bits (how
to mux pins and configure the transceiver) clearly belongs
in mach-omap2/usb-SOMETHING.c and if anything clearly doesn't
belong there, it can move.

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