On Thu, Feb 07, 2008 at 01:31:16AM +0100, Keld Jørn Simonsen wrote:
> Anyway, why does a SATA-II drive not deliver something like 300 MB/s?

Wait, are you talking about a *single* drive?

In that case, it seems you are confusing the interface speed (300MB/s)
with the mechanical read speed (80MB/s). If you are asking why is a
single drive limited to 80 MB/s, I guess it's a problem of mechanics.
Even with NCQ or big readahead settings, ~80-~100 MB/s is the highest
I've seen on 7200 RPM drives. And yes, there is no wait until the CPU
processes the current data until the drive reads the next data; drives
have a builtin read-ahead mechanism.

Honestly, I have 10x as many problems with the low random I/O throughput
rather than with the (high, IMHO) sequential I/O speed.

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