sebastien dugue wrote:
>  No, because in OpenSM's QoS logic, there's no way to map the TCP port
> space with specific target GUIDs onto an SL. You have keywords for SDP, SRP,
> RDS, ISER, ... but not for the TCP port space (or am I missing something?).

going with this, what prevents you from patching opensm qos engine to support
the lustre service under the tcp port-space and/or support a combination of 
and target port-guid? all in all, first, I don't see what a kernel patch buys 
and second, if it buys you something you should be able to gain the same effect 
patching open-sm.

thinking on this a bit more, since the rules are processed by order wouldn't 
following scheme let you achieve the same effect?

target-­port­guid 0x1234,0x1235 : 1 # traffic to MDSs
lustre                        : 2 # default lustre traffic (to OSSs)

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