On Sat, Jan 18, 2014 at 6:08 AM, Alan Stern <st...@rowland.harvard.edu> wrote:
> On Fri, 17 Jan 2014, Dan Williams wrote:
>> I think it's a bit of an interface surprise to have pm_runtime disable
>> have side effects only for scsi_disk devices.  I think lazy_resume
>> needs to be an explicit attribute of the disk.  For ata devices any
>> command wakes up the drive.  Perhaps we could simply do the same for
>> scsi devices.  In lazy_resume mode flag the device as "needs spinup"
>> at sd_resume time and schedule it when a command arrives.
> What you have just described is essentially what runtime PM does.

Deliberately so...

> There's no need to implement it any other way.  And this explains why
> disabling runtime PM would also disable lazy resume.

The need is to avoid tying rpm and dpm ops together in surprising new
ways that require userspace to change if it wants to keep the default
behavior of hiding resume latency as much as possible.  A lazy_resume
knob vs changing the default let's the few setups that care set the
power-up in standby mode.  It should also "perform" better given it
does not require the disk to be runtime suspended prior to system
suspend, it will unconditionally resume on demand.
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