On Mon, 7 May 2007, Benjamin von Engelhardt wrote:

> > > May  4 12:25:31 benz505sx kernel: usb-storage: -- code: 0x70, key: 0x2,
> > > ASC: 0x3a, ASCQ: 0x0
> >
> > This particular error code means "Not Ready: Medium not present".  In
> > other words, the reader doesn't think you have anything in the memory
> > stick slot.
> actualy I see this message when I don't have a memory stick in the slot and 
> also when it is in the slot (some program then tells me that I entered the 
> stick in the slot). The effect is that the log-files grow bigger and bigger.

You mean you get the "code: 0x70, key: 0x2, ASC: 0x3a, ASCQ: 0x0" message 
even when a memory stick is in the slot?  If you do then the slot or the 
stick isn't working right -- that message should appear only when the slot 
is empty.

On the other hand if that message shows up only when the slot is empty, 
and if your only problem is that the log files keep growing, then there's 
nothing to worry about.  Simply turn off CONFIG_USB_STORAGE_DEBUG; that 
will prevent these messages from being logged.

Alan Stern

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