As you have all seen my questions on the mailings over the last couple
of months, I thought I would hit the keys with a few thoughts.

I have learnt heaps in the process of getting to where I am now, but
could not have done it without the help from many of you. Unfortunately
my computer learning over the last few years has been without any formal
training but mainly by fumbling around GUI’s.

I believe that I am a typical “power user” who enjoys setting up and
using the computer to do work for me.

After starting my Linux excursion with RedHat 7.2 I am almost a complete
convert on my desktop at home with RedHat 7.3

        * My file sharing LAN is working with Samba
        * I use Ximian Evolution for mail etc.,
        * X-CD-Roast for CD burning, (although it does not recognise the
          DVD drive as a reader in any of the burning programmes – maybe
          my next call for help)
        * Playing videos and music files seem no problem in RH7.3,
        * OpenOffice.org1.0 seems as good as MS Office and files can be
          opened from or saved to MS Office format so no compatability
        * Not using GnuCash yet as it does not have the outstanding
          bills feature or ability to export to Money or Quicken, even
          though it can import QIF files (This is probably all that is
          stopping me from a complete switch).
        * Licq is running fine

My main point is that although I am now convinced that Linux can be a
viable alternative as a desktop operating system (with good programmes),
and am telling my friends about it, the growth of user numbers will not
accelerate without concerted efforts to help “newbies” get over the
setup “hurdles”.

I sometimes wonder how the group regards my questions – are they too
trivial, is the group above me, do they mind etc. etc. I certainly
appreciate the help and advice, even if some of it is definitely “above
me”. If the gap is not bridged between the "experts" and people like me
the growth of Linux acceptance will not be maximised.

Thanks for all of the help and patience.


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