
Glade is a little different to use... 

You need to use the 'vertical box', 'Horizontal box' and 'table' to layout 
your GUI, each table/boxes cell can be ONE widget, or another group of 
tables. Effectively you layout a grid of cells where you want your widgets to 
be, then drop in the widgets.

Alternatively you can place a 'Fixed Postions' box and drop widgets onto it 
where you want.

I was originally looking at doing this... and had started some projects... but 
then I found the FLTK Library, which is really easy to use, and is cross 
platform.  see

Alternatively, if you can wait till about the 14th of next month, Kylix 3 (The 
C/C++ version as well as Delphi (Pascal) ) should finally be avaliable for 
download (I will be downloading and evaluating it)


On Sat, 27 Jul 2002 22:42, you wrote:
> Any Glade users in the house?
> I've just had a bit of a play with it, as I'm considering porting an App
> I wrote for windows in Visual C a while ago to Linux, and I have this
> minor problem..
> When I add a widget to a new window, it takes up the full window and no
> amount of dragging, key thumping, right clicking, double clicking,
> middle clicking or incantation will allow me to change the size of it..
> I'm sure I've missed the obvious, it's just that it's not, obvious that is.
> Cheers, Me.

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