> Oh, yeah. Volker we all appreciate your very pertinent commentaries ;-)

Glad you liked it. I thought an outright statement would draw some
comment ;))

> Did it occurred to you that there may be some sites which may require Java to
> work ?

Yes. Happens all the time with javascript.

Still no excuse. There are very very few sites requiring java, even
fewer useful sites, and their number is considerably smaller than those
using that flashrubbish.

It does wonders to drop a "... ts ts, requiring java for using your
site, will have to surf elsewehre then, even the last microsoftie now
knows that downloading any odd program and running it is a dumb idea"
into the feedback box of the web designer. Even management types can
understand that argument.

I have seen the number of sites using java for menues decrease. The
peak must have been when Joe Doe discovered that java menues with
frontpage is easy, then discovering that the feature is a bad idea.

> I know a couple.

Well tell them to XXXX. There's also a big difference between "know"
and "use".

> Plus there are the new web servers embedded in all sorts of
> devices which again require Java, e.g. the new HP printers.

You won't catch RedRubbish (whatsitsname) from that. If it causes
security trouble, I would be posting straight to bugtraq and
full-disclosure without bothering to inform HP (because they absolutely
don't deserve it in that case).

> and turn it on only when required. But when the number of sites requiring java
> will increase what will you do ?

Won't happen. The number of sites requiring javascript is already going
down. Security reasons are being cited.

> AFAIK you can't turn java on/off site-specific, let me know if I am wrong.

Trivially done with konqueror. (Site policies also for images, and more
importantly, plugins, would be veeery nice too.)

> And what if this thing starts to be implemented in javascript ?

Although the browser making javascript safe has yet to emerge, there's
a hell of a difference to java.


Volker Kuhlmann                 is possibly list0570 with the domain in header
http://volker.dnsalias.net/             Please do not CC list postings to me.

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