On Fri, 18 Feb 2005 11:06:50 +1300
Roger Searle wrote:

> I ought to have said "affordable and practical" broadband options.  I 
> was very interested in the info from the wireless web guy at the clug 
> meeting late last year.  2 things stopped me from proceeding - the main 
> one being that when I am in another part of the country (several times a 
> year) I would have no internet access of my own.  With Paradise I can 
> dial up anywhere (though have to use a different number in Wellywood).  
> The second consideration being having to change email adddress. 

why not see if you can maintain a paradise account on a pay per hour
basis, that way you keep your email address and have the use of dialup
when out of town. 

It seems paradise have a $20 for 20 hours plan. There may be other
variations if you ask them.

Nick Rout
Barrister & Solicitor

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