> If DSE did this sort of thing it would make using their peripherals with 
> Linux 
> a sensible possibility instead of the rather hit or miss affair it is at the 
> moment.

I'm afraid I have to agree.

> I suspect that their main problem is that they don't  know where to turn to 
> find a person with both competent authoring and Linux skills at a reasonable 
> price.

One of their staff reads NZLUG and occsionally posts when it's on topic
for him. He's extremely helpful and never stroke me as incompetent, but
lacks time.

You should forward your email to him as a suggestion - Ross Hamblin,
first.last at the DSE domain. He does listen, that's his job.


Volker Kuhlmann                 is possibly list0570 with the domain in header
http://volker.dnsalias.net/             Please do not CC list postings to me.

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