On Thu, 15 Sep 2005 09:44, david merriman wrote:
> I want to get a new CV/Resume written, and being a bit of a geek I'm not
> being that good at self-promotion ;-) , so I'd like a little help doing
> this.  Does anyone have any recommendations for companies that produce
> good 'technical' CV's for IT personnel (programmers in particular) ?

Don't forget that your CV will be in a pile of hundreds so you need to make it 
both stand out from the horde and say 'Buy Me'. 

Put an 'Executive Summary' on the first page which summarises all the salient 
facts about you, and then then you can flesh out your life in the following 
pages. Don't put too much detail, after all you want to whet their curiosity 
so they call you in for an interview. Also too many details take too long to 
read and the reader will get bored and flip on to the next candidate.

Don't worry about either Gramer or Speeling over much. While a few employers 
might want to see a work of literature, most would not recognise such a thing 
even if it slapped them across the face.

It's more important to get the message across that you will fit happily into 
the team, rather than how fantastic your academic qualifications are, because 
appearing even slightly 'over qualified' will lose you any opportunity to 
even sniff the air of the interview room. Witness all the superbly qualified 
professional people who have ended up driving taxis, or running restaurants, 
etc. etc.


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