Join a toastmasters club.

I'm serious.

I joined one this year, and have found it very useful to work on the
sort of "social ineptitudes" common to geeks. The club I go to,
Woolston toasmasters club, meets on Monday evenings, but there's about
20 or more around Christchurch if the time/venue don't suit. Check out for more details. Perhaps if we get some geeks
along to a toastmasters club we can have more (and better quality)
presentations at CLUG meetings.


On 15/09/05, Gareth Faull <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have had hundreds of interviews this year, so I've become quite the
> expert at getting to the top of the list (just don't ask me how to have
> a successful interview).
> The most important thing is not the CV, it's the covering letter (often
> the contents of the email, with the Word/PDF CV attached). Some people
> don't even look at your CV!
> The art of the covering letter is to make your skills and experience
> match what was asked for in the advertisement. Perfectly. Don't lie,
> just be positive! I think my problem is that I'm great at making myself
> look wonderful on paper, then my social ineptitudes make me fail at the
> interview stage (I become shy and reserved and curl up into my shell).
> Perhaps I should drink more caffeine before interviews?
> Gareth.

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