On Wed, 17 Sep 2008 15:03:15 +1200
Nick Rout <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I for one have enough email addresses to consider. If someone wants to
> set up a secure and spam free mail server for clug.org.nz, can assure
> me that they will maintain it forever, and have decent 24/7
> connectivity with a fixed IP address I will set up an MX record. Oh
> and a similarly secure, maintained and connected backup server will be
> needed for the second level MX.
> I won't hold my breath though.
I'll set it up if you want. Bear in mind that I've only got one server and I'm 
pushing 50, so I can't satisfy all the requirements (:

But does anyone want one?

Steve Holdoway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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