Hi, over the last month or so I have experienced increasing problems getting the wireless connection to connect. This is an ubuntu 8.04 with gnome, network manager 0.6.6. Only changes have been any updates via apt-get update/upgrade. Connections are to 2 separate wrt54gl routers (home, work), set up essentially the same. I know they function OK based on other laptops connecting without issue. Going back a month, connections would "just work" on logging on to the gnome desktop. Then I would occasionally experience a problem connecting, and manually intervene via network manager. 2 weeks or so ago I began to be prompted for the passphrase and could then successfully connect. Now I am often unable to connect at all, or can connect after 2 or sometimes 3 or 4 times entering the passphrase. Sometimes I'm having to resort to an ethernet cable :-(

Turning on and off the wireless switch on the laptop, or disabling then re-enabling wireless via network manager, or a reboot, or resetting the router, have all been tried in an attempt to resolve with any consistency, but generally it's random if it is successful. Removing and recreating the passphrase entry in the "Passwords and Encryption Keys" tool (where the password is usually shown in what appears to be a hex format) hasn't helped.

I'm at a loss to explain what I am describing, so seeking any suggestions on how to resolve this or where to look.


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