On Thu, 2009-11-26 at 15:28 +1300, Christopher Sawtell wrote:
> Has anybody got Skype ( ver. ) video to work on (K)ubuntu
> Kosmic Koala ( or what ever it is that they are callling the 9.10
> version - I forget ) ?

Yup, sound/video works fine on my Sony Vaio (VGN-SR16GN), which has an
internal camera/mic.

> My logitech webcam used to work with earlier Kubuntus, but now all I
> get is a grey background.
> Any war stories - both good and bad - and a fix would be most welcome.

Video worked OOTB but had to muck with the modprobe stuff to get the mic
to work as per the howtos here[1]. Very Sony Vaio-specific though :(


[1] http://vaioubuntu.wordpress.com/

> -- 
> Sincerely etc.
> Christopher Sawtell

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