On Wed, 2010-03-24 at 12:07 +1300, Tom Smith wrote:

> I followed this link but only got this.. must be just my system right??
> Secure Connection Failed
> shell.clug.org.nz uses an invalid security certificate.
> The certificate is not trusted because it is self signed.
> The certificate is only valid for shell.clug.net.nz
> The certificate expired on 24/05/09 13:59.
> (Error code: sec_error_expired_issuer_certificate)
>     * This could be a problem with the server's configuration, or it
> could be someone trying to impersonate the server.
>     * If you have connected to this server successfully in the past, the
> error may be temporary, and you can try again later.
>           Or you can add an exception…
Well, it could do with renewing, but I'd create an exception. This is
one of my annoyances with these certs, as they provide 2 functions at
the same time, and firefox goes over the top on one of them!

1. The connection is encrypted.
2. The issuer is validated.

In this case, it's only really function 1 that's necessary. To pass
function 2 costs money and/or real grief in insalling certificate
authorities, intermediate files, and loads of other bumpf.



Steve Holdoway <st...@greengecko.co.nz>
MSN: st...@greengecko.co.nz
GPG Fingerprint = B337 828D 03E1 4F11 CB90  853C C8AB AF04 EF68 52E0

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