do you capture from all 12 at the same moment?
maybe spread them around, a different one every 200 msec

-They do not have to be synchronous, but the interval needs to be precise, ie. 
low jitter.  I've tried repeatedly opening and closing the streams every 2.4 
seconds and that almost was stable for about 5 or six minutes 
before I started loosing streams...interestingly after about 10 hours of 
opening and closing all of the cameras "died" and I had to unplug the to get 
them working again.

> usb controller or usb device is usually responsible URB errors.
> 27 is EFBIG in this case,

in there are 5 references to EFBIG in drivers/usb. the three in
drivers/usb/host/ehci-sched.c are associated with debug messages so if  
activate the messages (google, i don't remember how) you'll narrow it  
a bit. while you're at it you might want to add debug messages to the  
two references in drivers/usb/host/uhci-q.c

this is all modulo which kernel version you are running (and can
get pretty hairy). the usb devel mailing list might be helpful.

I've been talking to people on the linux-usb list and they're being very 
helpful.  Thanks!

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Jason Pitt PhD                                   206.667.5603
Roth Lab                            
Basic Sciences Division
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
1100 Fairview Ave N A3-135
Seattle, WA 98109
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