On Fri, Mar 29, 2002 at 09:12:02AM +0800, ollie wrote:
> Mikael Halvarsson wrote:
> >>If you are going with any current HOWTO in CVS tree, there won't ve any
> >>file you can flash to a flash.
> >>These files are for DoC.
> >>
> >
> >I noticed that so i've just used the HOWTO for SiS630 kinda as a reference
> >for building the romimage. There should maybe be a HOWTO for building
> >LinuxBios for standard flash part and how to set up linuxbios to boot the
> >linux kernel from somewhere else like. network, ide ...
> >
> I am working on a "LinuxBIOS with 256KB Flash and ELF Boot and Etherboot 
> Quiz for native English speaker: How should I (re)phrase the title to 
> put so much idepentdent
> stuff into a sentence ??


..or, on a more serious note, maybe


and simply state somewhere in the beginning of the document that it's
primary purpose is to guide someone wanting to use LinuxBIOS with their
regular 256KB flash ROM system.

Someone totally new to, or only briefly familiar with, the project will
probably not expect having to deal with a DoC, in spite of the
benefits/possibilities it has.

Hope this helps.  Although I'm not native english speaking.  :)


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