On Thu Aug 31, 2006; 06:21PM +0200, Stanislaw Halik wrote:
> Hello,
> The behaviour of `/on kick' seems different than the rest of channel
> hooks and inadequate for some purposes.
> The hook is thrown after the KICK command is processed by the client,
> which means that in case we're the ones being kicked from the channel,
> its data is lost before we're able to react. This includes
> channel-to-window association, nicklist and possibly more.
> AFAIK, `/on kick' works this way because of autorejoin scripts, so they
> could `/join $2' and actually rejoin, without just getting the `You are
> now talking to channel #foo' message.
> My opinion is that these simple autorejoin scripts should adapt to more
> general /on behaviour (for instance, /defer'ing the /join command)
> instead of forcing `/on kick' to be insufficient for other purposes.
> What are your opinions? Should `/on kick' stay the way it is now, or
> should it be changed to work more similarly to other channel hooks?

Agree. :)

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