
The behaviour of `/on kick' seems different than the rest of channel
hooks and inadequate for some purposes.

The hook is thrown after the KICK command is processed by the client,
which means that in case we're the ones being kicked from the channel,
its data is lost before we're able to react. This includes
channel-to-window association, nicklist and possibly more.

AFAIK, `/on kick' works this way because of autorejoin scripts, so they
could `/join $2' and actually rejoin, without just getting the `You are
now talking to channel #foo' message.

My opinion is that these simple autorejoin scripts should adapt to more
general /on behaviour (for instance, /defer'ing the /join command)
instead of forcing `/on kick' to be insufficient for other purposes.

What are your opinions? Should `/on kick' stay the way it is now, or
should it be changed to work more similarly to other channel hooks?
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