On 15.08.2007, at 18:12, Jeremy Nelson wrote:

> Please, would everyone weigh in on this issue, so I can know what  
> to do?

In my opinion, how epic5 used to handle REALNAME and IRCUSER was  
rather unintuitive. When that's said, I am aware of the fact that it  
has been like that for ages. However, epic5, or so I thought, is  
about doing things proper (if there is such a thing as proper), and  
it seems to be to be better to change REALNAME and IRCUSER to  
something that makes it clear that changing these will NOT be  
reflected immediately.

In addition to this, REALNAME and IRCUSER, in epic4 would be set  
using the commands /REALNAME and /IRCUSER, and you could also do /SET  
REALNAME. In epic4, it would be impossible for the scripter to  
foresee what the client would use for REALNAME after running a script  
like the following:

*** Value of REALNAME set to BLABLA_SET
*** Realname at next server connnection: BLABLA_CMD
*** Current value of REALNAME is BLABLA_SET

This is inconsistent.

In addition to this, $Y (which is used to 'return' the realname, in  
scripts) would reflect the global variable for the REALNAME, not the  
actually per-server used REALNAME.

All of this results in me suggesting we change REALNAME and IRCUSER  
to DEFAULT_REALNAME and DEFAULT_IRCUSER, and rather script backwards  
compatibility. This way we can make it a tad more intuitive and make  
it easier for new users to understand what's going on.

DEFAULT_IRCUSER, and scripted backwards compatibility. And I have  
made a patch that does the following:

Has $Y reflect whatever the client has asked the *current server* to  
use as realname, and I've added two $serverctl()-get/sets:

$serverctl(GET -1 REALNAME)
$serverctl(SET -1 DEFAULT_REALNAME test)

These will allow the user to control realname per server and to  
retrieve both what will be used on next connect and what's currently  
used (the latter may also be retrieved using $Y).

I like these changes. And I don't find them especially dramatic. :-)

- Cheers,
Erlend (howl)
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