>* Jeremy Nelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2008-12-01 17:30]:
>> I've released epic5-0.9.0 which is a stable candidate beta release for maybe
>> what will become epic5-1.0.
>I searched the wiki, but couldn't find info about epic5 and UTF8.
>Does/will epic5 support UTF(8)?

No -- EPIC5 does not support utf8 and won't for this release.  I'm still
looking for someone who has experience with utf8 support in C programs to 
give me help in identifying and converting all of the code that assumes that
one byte == one column == one glyph to the new way of doing things in unicode.

Alas, nobody has really shown any interest at all in helping, and so it 
awaits time for me to learn how to do it and accomplish it among all of 
the other things.  I apologize if the tone of the previous statement seems
impudent -- it's really more a sense of resignation that I have to do it
all myself and people will keep asking me why it isn't done yet...

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