Michael Sondow wrote:
> This doesn't provide any hard facts as to the membership or the direction.
> Neither does the website.

Well, Michael, I may disagree with you there. It provides all the key facts
that one would find in an at-a-glance brochure, no?

Were there any specific questions you'd like to ask? AIP is a nonprofit
organization, 501c6, and was formed from the older organizations:
Webmasters' Guild, Internet Developers Association and International Society
of Internet Professionals. We are an open forum among our membership and all
are welcome to join AIP. We do not exclude ANY individual or company. Any
individual or company that supports AIP's mission and goals are welcome
additions as they are considered in the Internet space. Most of our members,
however, are active Internet professionals.

If there are any specific question you have, I'll be happy to answer them,
either here, or, if members of this list object, offline, but I _AM_ more
than happy to answer any question (that I actually know the answer to, of
course) posted to me about the association in a public forum.

Andrew Q. Kraft, MAIP
Executive Director, Association of Internet Professionals (AIP)
Phone:  310-724-6589
URL:    http://www.association.org/

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