Jeffrey is upset that he can't email me directly anymore with his little
flames and false accusations   :) 

Notice he can't just seem to get a clue about this issue, and has to bring it
up everytime I point out the facts.

So Jeff, since you only answer my questions with comments about myself, let me
ask you again directly : Why did I not get a call from NSA or the FBI as you
said I most certainly would?

On 22-Jan-99 jeff Williams wrote:
> William and all,
>   Well william for one who is implicated by your EX-EMPLOYER

Wrong, I was not employed by anyone.  Jeff strikes again.  He knows NOTHING of
the truth and he has NO inside information about what occured, no matter how
much he tries to allude that he does.  He obviously even thought I was EMPLOYED
in my role, I wasn't.  I was a volunteer director, and was never paid for my
services.  I also never was involved in any of the finances of TJNS, and never
handled billing, invoicing, or any financial aspect of TJNS.

As I have posted specifics already (and TJNS hasn't) and I have a legal case
pending against TJNS currently, I will not comment on TJNS again.

So Jeff, lets see some evidence (of which there is none) or stop making false
claims about things you know nothing about.

> of financial fraud, I think your opinion is dubious at best.  Or do we
> need yet another round of posted documentation regarding this
> incident this week?  Hummmm?  Oh, an by the way what ever
> happened to that IANA update you were going to share with
> everyone?  Doesn't exist does it William?  I thought so!  Form reports
> I have received the IANA doesn't know what you are even were talking about!

Obviously you haven't talked to anyone at IANA then, Jeff.  The domain is
frozen, and now the Tajik Telecomm companies have filed  for control of the
name, with the support of the director of the Tajik Ministry of Communication. 
TJ Network Services is trying to fight them off, but they will not succeed. 
They no longer have any authority to do so, and the administrative contact is
not supporting TJNS's claims at all.

Go try and register a new second level .TJ Name, and you will see that you
can't.  Wonder why that is......   

TJNS can't continue providing services for long.  They depend on new
registrations to continue paying connectivity and other expenses, and the small
surplus will be gone very soon.  They are putting lots of pressue on IANA to
unfreeze the domain, but with the Tajik Telecomms and ISPs involved, it will be
curious to see what happens.

In any event, I am no longer involved in the process, having turned over all of
what I know about this matter to IANA and to Telecomm Technology Ltd in support
of their efforts to remove TJNS from the .TJ domain.  It is no longer my
battle.  As I was never paid for my involvement with .TJ, and indeed supported
its operations for 6 months out of my own pocket while it was starting, this
gives me more time to focus on my own business, and my family.
>   As for poor old Jim DIxon.  He has historically varied back and forth
> with his paranoia persona for over two years now.  He even tried to
> run a coup by the defunct PAB/POC bunch at one point with some
> half baked "STV Voting" voting nonsense giving him some special
> additional votes!  Ha!  THat didn't last long, did it now?  So PLEASE
> William, your creditability in defending Jim is not fooling me anyway!
> Nice try though!

Jim doesn't need defense from me or anyone.  Your own credibility problems are
being pointed out to show how hypocritical you are in challenging anyone's

E-Mail: William X. Walsh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 22-Jan-99
Time: 12:12:15

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