----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, February 27, 2000 8:27 PM
Subject: [ALLY] Problems with iterator Re:

> Hi Allen,
> First, yes, there is a bug that on a show all faces are redrawn.
> Secondly, no the iterator is not called too many times. The iterator
> function's primary purpose is to determine the offset ( and possibly
size )
> of the iterated face. If a mouse passes over the face containing the
> iterated sub-faces, how can one know which iterated sub-face the mouse is
> over unless one knows the positions of all the iterated sub-faces? And the
> only way to know that is to query each iteration until one is found that
> contains the mouse position. This does bring up a point that the iterator
> function should be as short as possible and not doing any unnecessary work
> that can be performed by the redraw function.
>   - jim

Thanks for the explanation Jim, I have a better understanding of what is the
iterator is doing
now. I'll start making redraw do more of the work.


Allen K

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