where does that space come from?

Hey guys,

when running this very simple thing, after I'm prompted with "what
day?" REBOL hangs. the rest of the prompts come up "correctly" after I
hit enter.  Why is that?

#!/path/to/rebol -sc

    Title: "Title Here"
    Date: 27-Dec-1999
    File: %file.r

change-dir %/home/
day: ask "What Day? "
hours: ask "How many hours?  "
describe: ask "What did you do?  "
jobsite: ask "What Jobsite?  "

output: rejoin [{^/ Day:      } day {^/ Hours:    } hours  {^/Task(s):  } describe 
{^/Jobsite:  } jobsite {^/}]

write/append %mytime.txt output

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