What is the equivalent rebol expression and word (print, write,???) to get the cgi.r program running on the server to properly return HTML to the client?
For example, we want to return the date and time (nothing else) on a web page to the client what exactly would a cgi  datetime.r file contain if it were running on linux/apache server?
Also, please provide code for another very useful cgi utility and tutorial.  Assume we want to show all of the environment variables on the html paged that is served to the client.   This is how I would write the script in perl.
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
print "<HTML><TITLE>ENV Variables</TITLE><BODY>";
foreach $envirVar (keys %ENV) {
     print "<BR><FONT COLOR=red> $envirVar</FONT> is set to <FONT COLOR=green>$ENV{$envirVar}</FONT>";
print "</BODY></HTML>";
What does the environ.r cgi look like in Rebol?
AND FINALLY very low priority,
what if I needed to get access to the older style mail telnet programs.  Where currently using dos or windows... I do the following:
login: username
password: letmein
q CR
mail CR
At this point I am asked to enter in the number of the message that I am interested in. followed by CR
if the message is more than one page to continue I press space bar,
for the next message it's
n CR
Is any one familiar with this type of mail protocol?

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