Hi Nigel, Sterling

There does appear to be some kind of problem with the REBOL ftp is this
instance. I was able to get the dir listing with WS-FTP although the server
was slow (took about 150 seconds).

With REBOL I got (don't need the user e-mail if set-net has e-mail

>> system/schemes/default/timeout: 5000
== 5000
>> list-dir ftp://ftp.europe.ibm.com/aix/fixes/cad/other/catia_oem_v4/IRIX/
connecting to: ftp.europe.ibm.com
** User Error: Server error: tcp 421 Timeout (1800 seconds): closing control
** Where: list-dir

I had no problem getting the dir lists for each of the parent directories
using REBOL, so I am inclined to agree with your speculation that the number
of files or the time required for the server to send them is part of the
problem. Based on the tests with WS-FTP, the server should have sent back
the dir-list in about 180 seconds, REBOL apparently was unable to receive or
acknowledge this, leading to the server timeout at 1800 seconds.

The results of using 'trace/net are shown below. I have CC'd this to
feedback, perhaps Sterling or someone else at Rebol tech can diagnose the
problem? (I see Sterling has already replied:-)

I just tried WS-FTP a seond time. It took 120 seconds for the dir-list to
start downloading. The dir-list was fine.

Hope this helps


----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, March 01, 2000 12:53 AM
Subject: [REBOL] ftp limits? Re:(2)

> Thanks for that. The directory that causes the problem is set drwxr-xr-x
> all the files are -r--r--r--. So I don't think this is the same problem.
> This certainly looks like a bug in Rebol to me. The directory downloaded
> through an ftp client results in a 137k download (about 1500 files). I
> suspect the problem is caused by the number of files.
> I really do need an answer on this - if Rebol cannot do what I want I need
> save my efforts and look elsewhere.
> If anyone want to give it a try...
> system/schemes/default/timeout: 1000
> print read
ftp://anonymous:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/aix/fixes/cad/other/catia_o
> em_v4/IRIX/
> Replace email_address with you correct email address (all activity is
> logged)
> Depending on proxy/no proxy/Rebol platform you always get some error or
> timeout without the directory listing ever being received.
> Thanks
> Nigel

========TRACE/NET RESULT==================
>> system/schemes/default/timeout: 500
== 500
>> trace/net on
>> list-dir ftp://ftp.europe.ibm.com/aix/fixes/cad/other/catia_oem_v4/IRIX/
URL Parse: none none ftp.europe.ibm.com none
aix/fixes/cad/other/catia_oem_v4/IRIX/ none
Net-log: ["Opening tcp for" FTP]
connecting to: ftp.europe.ibm.com
Net-log: [
    none ["220" "230"]]
Net-log: "220-"
Net-log: "220- Welcome to ftp.europe.ibm.com"
Net-log: "220- *****************************  "
Net-log: "220-"
Net-log: {220- You are connected to the FTP gateway for IBM Europe's}
Net-log: {220- Electronic Customer Support Facility. This server is brought
to you by }
Net-log: "220- the IBM Global Services(UK) Web Server Team."
Net-log: "220-"
Net-log: {220- WARNING: Access and usage of this computer system is
Net-log: {220- Unauthorized access is prohibited and is subject to
criminal }
Net-log: "220- and civil penalties. "
Net-log: "220-"
Net-log: {220- Login using the "anonymous" userid. Please supply your email
Net-log: {220- when prompted for a password.  If you have any odd problems,
try logging }
Net-log: {220- in with a minus sign (-) as the first character of your
password. This}
Net-log: {220- will turn off a feature that may be confusing your client
Net-log: "220-"
Net-log: {220- Please send any questions, comments, or problem reports about
Net-log: "220- server to [EMAIL PROTECTED]"
Net-log: "220-"
Net-log: {220- ***************************************************}
Net-log: "220-"
Net-log: "220- Dear user,"
Net-log: "220-"
Net-log: {220- The fixdist download at this site is temporarily
Net-log: {220- Please reconfigure your fixdist client to point to one}
Net-log: "220- of the following sites."
Net-log: "220-"
Net-log: {220- United States    service.software.ibm.com}
Net-log: {220- Canada           rwww.aix.can.ibm.com}
Net-log: {220- Germany          www.ibm.de        }
Net-log: {220- Nordic           ftp.nordic.ibm.com}
Net-log: "220-"
Net-log: "220- We apologize for any inconvenience caused.  "
Net-log: "220- -administrator, Nov 12 1999"
Net-log: "220-"
Net-log: "220 ftp.europe.ibm.com FTP server ready."
Net-log: [["USER" port/user] "331"]
Net-log: {331 Guest login ok, send your complete e-mail address as
Net-log: [["PASS" port/pass] "230"]
Net-log: "230-"
Net-log: {230-Welcome to IBM's European ftp server for electronic support.}
Net-log: {230-Feel free to browse around and download anything you wish.}
Net-log: "230-"
Net-log: "230-To summarise the directories:"
Net-log: "230-"
Net-log: {230- aix/tools/fixdist..... Code to run AIX FixDist (fix
Net-log: {230- aix/tools/tapegen..... Code to run AIX Tapegen (create
stacked tapes)}
Net-log: "230- aix/fixes/v3.......... AIX 3.2 PTF repository"
Net-log: "230- aix/fixes/v4.......... AIX 4.1 PTF repository"
Net-log: {230- aix/fixes/cad......... AIX CATIA PTF repository}
Net-log: "230- "
Net-log: {230-Please ensure that all copyright and other proprietary notices
Net-log: "230-retained in any download you make."
Net-log: "230-"
Net-log: {230-Please send any questions, comments, or problem reports about
Net-log: "230-server to [EMAIL PROTECTED]"
Net-log: "230-"
Net-log: "230 Guest login ok, access restrictions apply."
Net-log: [
    "TYPE I" "200"]
Net-log: "200 Type set to I."
Net-log: [["PORT" port/locals/active-check] "200"]
Net-log: "200 PORT command successful."
Net-log: [["CWD ~"] "250"]
Net-log: "250 CWD command successful."
Net-log: [["CWD" either empty? port/path ["./"] [join "./" port/path]]
Net-log: "250 CWD command successful."
Net-log: [["LIST" "."] ["150" "125"]]
Net-log: {150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for /bin/ls.}
Net-log: [
    none "226"]
** Access Error: Network timeout.
** Where: list-dir

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