Hi Sterling

The error I usuall get is :

>> print read
ftp2://anonymous:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/aix/fixes/cad/other/catia_
** Script Error: pick expected series argument of type: series money date
time object port tuple any-function.
** Where: pick server-said 4

I tried creating a new ftp protocol as suggested re #2451 ---
net-utils/net-install FTP2 self 21,  but as above you eventually get the
same error.

I have tried this both through our firewall (socks4&5) and direct, on
Windows & AIX but without success. Using Leap-ftp through the firewall I get
the dir-list ok - every time, although it is slow - Leap-ftp log is -
257 "/aix/fixes/cad/other/catia_oem_v4/IRIX" is current directory.
200 Type set to A.
227 Entering Passive Mode (194,196,0,2,54,0)
150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /bin/ls.
226 Transfer complete.
Transfer done: 137442 bytes in 249.207 secs (0.55 k/sec)

Hope that throws some light on the problem


----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, March 01, 2000 7:16 PM
Subject: [REBOL] ftp limits? Re:(4)

> Somebody will take a look at it.  I did manage to get the same server
> response error which I think is generated if the server times out
> before REBOL does and closes the connection.  REBOL expects to hear
> something back and does not so it fails to parse the empty response.
> Thanks for the info Larry, Nigel.
> Sterling

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