There is a proxy.r at For http, it should be able to count this.
How can one write proxies for ftp, email and that? 

another way: is a "DU Meter"s output text, and includes size and url in a 
log, rebol should be able to parse it, and sum.
Hopefully so short that porting would not be a problem :)

In einer eMail vom 02.03.00 01:35:17 (MEZ) Mitteleuropäische Zeit schreibt 

> short version: I need a multiplatform internet traffic counter that counts 
> all upload and download internet traffic from my PC to beyond my ISP. 
> Something very simple like "DU Meter" ( for win9x would do 
> just fine except that it calculates ALL traffic. I just want to know my 
> traffic beyond my ISP. 
>  Rebol seems well suited for the job but I don't know enough about it, nor 
> about the TCP/IP protocol. Any help is appreciated: from a pointer to a TCP/
> IP newbie guide to a ready-to-use program (whishful thinking?). TIA.
>  long version: I am on a permanent cable connection, like 20.000 other 
> customers from my ISP. They have a limit for *external* traffic, but they 
> t give us a stats page where every client can keep track his traffic. If 
> pass the limit once: you get a warning; twice: 2 days out; third time = 1 
> week out; 4th time = banned permanently! 
>  With external traffic I mean every byte that travels from my PC to outside 
> my ISP's domain (or vice versa). Traffic from the ISP newsserver, 
> ftp server etc. and traffic between customers from my ISP is unlimited, so 
> these shouldn't be counted. From we know what ip-ranges belong 
> to my ISP: this should be a parameter because its a growing list. Uploads 
> downloads to these ip's shouldn't be counted except the proxy-server at 
>, this is *always* calculated as external, even if the files 
> were on the proxy!
>  The limit is 2GB per week (OK I agree this sounds silly if you have a 56K 
> modem but once you're on a fast & permanent connection you'll understand, 
> plz don't yell at me). It is calculated as follows:
>  at 0600 here in Belgium the sum of your external traffic (upload + 
> of the past 168 hours (or 7 days) is made. If this exceeds 2GB you get 
> warning +1. The program that I need help with should have to be able to 
> display total external volume at all times, preferable giving a warning or 
> block all external upload & download traffic as soon as 2GB/7=286MB has 
> reached since 6am. It should be able to "remember" the last count to be 
> to continue after a reboot
>  Why multiplatform? 20.000 customers aren't all Windows users, but they're 
> all very interested in such a program.
>  Every little bit of help is very much appreciated. TIA

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