In einer eMail vom 03.03.00 06:16:03 (MEZ) Mitteleuropäische Zeit schreibt 

> >>   Personally, I'd like to do all of my web development in Rebol/Core, 
>  >>but it's looking like I'm going to need to create and access some MySQL 
>  >>databases. Now I can do that with PHP, but not Rebol/Core, and I have no 
>  >>idea when Rebol/Command is going to actually show up. 
>  >Er, can you use PHP to gateway between Rebol and MySql? ( a Rebol script 
>  >to read a PHP page, and post to a PHP form?
maybe a start:
have started rebol -w from perl with ipc::open2, then perl can get commands 
from rebol and send results back. rebol acts with input/print.
have not done more. maybe a way to a database-server?
note the first message must come from rebol, earlier perl-writes are lost. 
have windows& activeware-perl.
trying to kill rebol from perl failed here, on unix should work?

hm. with perls eval you can even send source from rebol.. 
perl as another dialect :)
Maybe this perl-script (or whatever language can play shell) 
can be extended as a message-dispatcher between rebols?
with [start-rebol [name [string!] command [block! string!]]] and [send-rebol 
[receiver [string!] message [block! string!]]] and [kill[name[string!]]]
then running downloaded code can't hang the server.
console-io is there at every security-level, nothing else needed.

Hm, starting applications is not portable, starting rebols should be?

use IPC::Open2;   

$rebol_exe="C:\\Program Files\\REBOL\\View\\rebol.exe";
$pid = open2(\*RDR, \*WTR, "$rebol_exe","-wq test.r");
print "begin\n";
    print "from rebol:", $_;
    print WTR "hi rebol ",$_;
print "done\n";
    print "hello from rebol"
    print ["hi perl" input]
from rebol:hello from rebol

from rebol:hi perl hi rebol hello from rebol



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