could people take a look at this site i have created, send me honest feedback, and what could be done to improve the look, feel and content of this site at http://marvin.webboy.net/
cheers Marvin.
ps: the main problems, were that had to wrap the text around, or would have been a lot of white space, and blank lines, jaws saying between paragraphs, so got this trick from a friend. would like just to have the standard paragraphs, but then when reading in line mode, says blank line.
i know there is some trick to do that, without being very complex.
now, think i might have problems with my tables, being coded accessibly.
want to have the actor name, and part heading all on one line, with a space in between, and the same format for the table data, actor and part on one line with a space, instead of being on two lines. to look appealing to sighted users, and also to be accessible to blind users. now, on my 80s music site, do i need a heading, called Website Links, for my 3 80s links, or just tack it on to the end of the navigation links.
those are the main problems, i am having.
and yes, had to do the new windows, in a new window, as if i put the target to nothing, it goes to the navigation section, instead of top of the page.
that's about it, apart from that, pretty pleased with this site so far.

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