Gaspar wrote:
How can i group just one single input? i think there's no reason to do
that, sow i removed the fieldset and just use the label for the input.

am i right or not?

For my own tuppence, I'd say there's no reason for it. I'm almost certain I've seen pages adorned with every kind of WAI-related medal on the side include single forms without fieldsets. If it were up to me, we'd have a 'caption' or 'legend' attribute for form elements, but in this case there is no room for ambiguity or confusion if your single input has a corresponding label.

From a humanist stand-point, I find it extremely hard to conceive of any sentient being that might navigate your site and be distressed in any way by your lack of a fieldset - in fact it's easier to imagine people getting infuriated at having to wade through containing elements.


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