On 8/5/10 4:35 AM, J. Greenlees wrote:
> With the reactivation of the livecd project agreed on the question of
> putting it together fully multilib for the 64 bit support comes to mind.

I like the idea of multilib, I think it's the 'right thing' to do, for 
various reasons. However, I think that needs to happen in LFS, not in 
the LiveCD apart from LFS.

Since our main goal is going to be to allow a user a usable environment 
for building _LFS_, I don't really want to introduce something so 
inherently different.

Having said that, I don't mind including a 64-bit kernel like we have 
been doing. In this way, LFS _can_ be built (natively only, like it 
currently does) on 64-bit capable hardware using a 64-bit arch. All the 
rest of the CD is 32-bit, but the kernel will allow a user to build in 
64-bit, if desired.

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