Thanks Ralph for the recommendations!

> First, I strongly recommend you switch from properties to either XML,
Yaml, or JSON.

The reason why we would still like to stick to properties (at least for now
during the migration) is that LOG4J2-3341 allows setting level and appender
at once in the properties file. After migration, if there is any better
way, we would consider migrating to xml or yaml for sure. Here is the old
thread for the reference[1] after which both hbase and hadoop have decided
to stick to properties for now.

> Note that there are several variations of the initialize method.

Sure I think we might be able to use, will explore:
    public static LoggerContext initialize(final String name, final
ClassLoader loader, final URI configLocation) {
        return initialize(name, loader, configLocation, null);

Even with properties file, is it still possible to configure monitor


On Fri, Mar 17, 2023 at 8:59 PM Viraj Jasani <> wrote:

> Hi,
> Could you please help with log4j2 replacement for PropertyConfigurator
> APIs configureAndWatch and configure?
> For instance, this is the logic we have that we need to migrate to log4j2:
>   protected void initLog() throws ServerException {
>     verifyDir(logDir);
>     LogManager.resetConfiguration();
>     File log4jFile = new File(configDir, name + "");
>     if (log4jFile.exists()) {
>       PropertyConfigurator.configureAndWatch(log4jFile.toString(), 10 *
> 1000); //every 10 secs
>       log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Server.class);
>     } else {
>       Properties props = new Properties();
>       try {
>         InputStream is = getResource(DEFAULT_LOG4J_PROPERTIES);
>         try {
>           props.load(is);
>         } finally {
>           is.close();
>         }
>       } catch (IOException ex) {
>         throw new ServerException(ServerException.ERROR.S03,
> DEFAULT_LOG4J_PROPERTIES, ex.getMessage(), ex);
>       }
>       PropertyConfigurator.configure(props);
>       log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Server.class);
>       log.warn("Log4j [{}] configuration file not found, using default
> configuration from classpath", log4jFile);
>     }
>   }

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