I have cross-posted this to GitHub Discussions
<https://github.com/apache/logging-log4j2/discussions/1822> too. Feel free
to participate there, if that is of your preference.

On Thu, Sep 28, 2023 at 9:35 AM Piotr P. Karwasz <piotr.karw...@gmail.com>

> Hi all,
> We always strive to only release industrial-strength components.
> Following an internal discussion and looking at statistics from
> several sources, the PMC plans to deprecate in the 2.x version several
> components for removal in 3.x.
> We know that statistics are not everything and that is why we would
> like to hear your opinion on these modules. The discussion will be
> open for a month, after which the PMC will announce a definitive list
> of deprecations.
> ## `log4j-cassandra`:
>     We support Cassandra 3.x. This release will reach end-of-life when
> 4.2.x is released[1]. Since the stats show marginal usage of the
> module, there should be no `log4j-cassandra4`.
> ## CouchDB appender:
>    It is even less used than Cassandra according to the stats.
> ## `log4j-docker`
>     Seldom used and standard practice is generally to log to the
> console and let the Docker environment add the data.
> ## GELF appender:
>     It is mostly superseded by `JsonTemplateLayout`.
> ## Kafka appender:
>     It contains several critical bug reports neither the PMC, nor the
> community is willing to deal with.
> ## `log4j-kubernetes`:
>     Seldom used and standard practice is generally to log to the
> console and let the Docker environment add the data.
> ## JeroMQ appender:
>     Since version 2.6 it had only one PR/bug report and it was from
> PAX Logging maintainer. There is an alternative from a ZeroMQ
> maintainer[2], Fabrice Bacchella, that provides important features
> like encryption or choice of socket type.
> ## JNDI-related features:
>     JNDI is an old technology from the times of ponies and unicorns,
> when nobody cared about security. The Error Prone team decided to mark
> JNDI usage as error by default[3].
> ## `log4j-jpa`:
>     Has marginal downloads and requires a migration to Jakarta EE. I
> think that `log4j-jdbc` (which is also seldom used) provides a good
> alternative for SQL databases,
> ## Jackson based layouts (JsonLayout, XmlLayout, YamlLayout)
>     We already provide `JsonTemplateLayout`; `XmlLayout` is seldom
> used and `YamlLayout` as far as we know is not be used at all.
> ## `log4j-mongodb3`:
>     Support for MongoDB 3.x ended two years ago.
> ## `log4j-spring-boot`:
>     Its features are included in Spring Boot 3.x.
> ## SMTP appender:
>     Its usage is at the bottom of the stats.
> ## `log4j-taglib`
>     Also needs a Jakarta version, but it is based on a legacy
> technology that is currently seldom used.
> Waiting to hear your opinions,
> Piotr
> [1]
> https://cassandra.apache.org/_/blog/Behind-the-scenes-of-an-Apache-Cassandra-Release.html
> [2] https://github.com/fbacchella/loghublog4j2
> [3] https://errorprone.info/bugpattern/BanJNDI
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