Apache Logging Parent team is pleased to announce the 10.1.0
release. This project contains the parent POM for other Maven-based
Apache Logging Services projects. For further information (support,
download, etc.) see the project website[1].

[1] https://logging.apache.org/logging-parent

=== Release Notes

This minor release focuses on shipping AsciiDoc-based website
generation convenience targeting the `src/site` folder. As a part of
this effort, `logging-parent` started publishing its own website[1]
and `log4j-changelog` support switched from Markdown to AsciiDoc.

The introduced `bnd-maven-plugin`[2] default auto-generates both OSGi
and JPMS descriptors. Users only need to annotate packages that are to
be exported with `org.osgi.annotation.bundle.Export`, plugin will do
the rest of the magic. Hence, no need for custom `.bnd` and/or
`module-info.java` files anymore. In particular, we expect the absence
of `module-info.java` files to avoid several IDE and testing related

[2] https://github.com/bndtools/bnd/blob/master/maven-plugins/bnd-maven-plugin

==== Added

* Added `asciidoc` and `constants-tmpl-adoc` profiles to
  generate AsciiDoc-based websites from `src/site`
* Added support to auto-generate changelog entries for
  `dependabot` updates
* Added `bnd-maven-plugin` defaults to auto-generate both
  OSGi and JPMS descriptors
* Added CI report uploading in case of test or reproducibility failures
* Started publishing the project website

==== Changed

* Switched the default `log4j-changelog` configuration from
  Markdown (`.release-notes.md.ftl` and `.index.md.ftl`) to
  AsciiDoc (`.release-notes.adoc.ftl` and `.index.adoc.ftl`)
* Update `actions/checkout` to version `4.1.0`
* Update `com.github.spotbugs:spotbugs-maven-plugin` to
  version ``
* Update `com.google.errorprone:error_prone_core` to version
* Update `org.apache:apache` to version `30`
* Update `org.osgi:osgi.annotation` to version `8.1.0`

==== Removed

* Removed `project.build.outputTimestamp` override since it is
  already provided by the parent POM and its old value `0`
  was causing reproducibility issues[3] for `spring-boot:repackage`

[3] https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-boot/pull/37438

==== Fixed

* Replaced incorrect `java.version` Maven property override
  with `maven.compiler.{source,release,target}`

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