Dear Authors,

First I would like to say how great your tool Log::Log4perl module is.  Well
done.  I do have a question on how to make changes on the fly without using
the init_and_wait feature that is only for the  configuration file.  Or how
do we make init_and_wait work for a ref to a hash that contains the
config?.  What I would like is something like the following:

use Log::Log4perl;

# Initialize Logger
my %log_conf = (
   'log4perl.rootLogger'              => "SCREEN",
   'log4perl.appender.SCREEN'         => "Log::Log4perl::Appender::Screen",
   'log4perl.appender.SCREEN.stderr'  => "0",
   'log4perl.appender.SCREEN.layout'  =>
   'log4perl.appender.SCREEN.layout.ConversionPattern' => "%d %p %m %n",
   'log4perl.appender.SCREEN1'         => "Log::Log4perl::Appender::Screen",
   'log4perl.appender.SCREEN1.stderr'  => "0",
   'log4perl.appender.SCREEN1.layout'  =>
   'log4perl.appender.SCREEN1.layout.ConversionPattern' => "FOOBAR %m %n",

my $ref = \%log_conf;
my $logger = Log::Log4perl->get_logger();
$logger->info("this is an info log message");

### Now this is where you would change the running config per say, basically
adding a second output
$ref->{log4perl.rootLogger} = "SCREEN, SCREEN1";
$logger->info("this is more info log message");

But this does not obviously work.  How would you suggest this work?  Could
you do something like:
$logger->{log4perl.rootLogger} = "SCREEN, SCREEN1";

Thanks in advance.
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