On 11/05/2013 06:17 PM, Mike Schilli wrote:

Thanks for the reply, and thanks for Log::Log4perl.  :-)

> This was fixed in Log4perl 1.35:

I suspected as much.

> I wouldn't do it in the main root to avoid stepping on the package
> manager's files, but if you maintain your own local directory via
> local::lib that should work just fine.

I use local::lib for my code, but try to use the distribution package 
manager for CPAN modules.  If/when I must have a CPAN module that isn't 
packaged, I'll put it in local::lib.

> Ideally, I wouldn't use the
> system perl for applications in the first place, but install a separate
> one via perlbrew et al.
> Later versions of Debian seem to have more up-to-date versions of
> Log4perl:

I'm working on modules/ scripts to automate system configuration/ 
administration of Debian 7 machines.  So, I'm trying to write Perl code 
that works with Debian 7 OOTB as much as possible.

I'll go with my wrapper work-around for now.


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