On Saturday 20 of August 2005 21:43, Piotr Sobolewski wrote:
> Hi,
> I just install an X terminal at my home. The server is Debian, 1 GHz, 256
> MB RAM. The terminal is 60 MHz, 32 MB RAM. After installation I had
> problems with making X server (on terminal) work (you know, normal problems
> with configuring X...), so now I start X just using:
> /usr/X11R6/bin/Xorg -query
> As far as I could see, this way it uses some built in configuration (cause
> there is no Perl on terminal, so "getconfig" does not work). This way I
> have 800x600 resolution (and, as far as I can see, 24bpp).
> My problem is that X terminal works so slowly (opening a simple menu lasts
> up to one second, etc) that it is hard and not nice experience to work on
> it. I tried to find the bottleneck, and I found it is X server - if
> anything goes on on the scrren, it uses about 95% of CPU time.
> My question is: is that normal? I heard stories about successfully using
> old 486 with 16MB RAM as X terminals. Was that stories false and I just
> must have so slooow terminal with that hardware OR do I have some strange
> problem and I should try to solve it?
> Thanks a lot for any help!

Finally I solved this problem. I bought new video adapter (S3 Virge with 4 MB 
of RAM) and now it seems to work much better. With my monitor I have only 
[EMAIL PROTECTED], but it works fast and smoothly.

Thanks a lot for you help!

piotr sobolewski [EMAIL PROTECTED]
echo Gra w pomidora ver. 1.0; while (read); do echo pomidor; done

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