Has anyone tried putting together a MueKow environment
for Redhat Enterprise Linux? I'm running LTSP 4.1.1 right now
and I'm working on moving the execution of at least Firefox
off of the server and onto our clients. We have about 30 terminals
that we bought from disklessworkstations.com so far, and I'm
in the process of moving them from a Slackware based server to
a Redhat Enterprise based server. In the process, I also want to
move from icewm to a GNOME environment which will be eating up
more server CPU/mem. I'm hoping to move Firefox and possibly
all of GNOME over to run on the clients themselves. They have
256MB of RAM, so it's definetely doable.

        Anyways, from working with LBE thus far it looks like it
is going to take quite a bit of time to get all of the required
packages added to the LBE for GNOME/Firefox. It'd be great to
just use rpm --root /path/to/ltsp-root -ivh /path/to/my/firefox.rpm

        On a related note, is there a site someplace that has some
package.def's available for building GNOME and Firefox (and other
apps as well) within the LBE? I've gotten the LBE all built, and
a custom kernel built with bootsplash support and some other custom
kernel tweaks. If there isn't such a place, it would really be great
to have a section added to the LTSP Wiki where people could post
their LBE package.def files, patches, etc. 



Ryan Ordway                           
Unix Systems Administrator            E-mail:
Oregon State University Libraries
121 The Valley Library
Corvallis, OR 97331                   

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