On 27/01/2017 09:59 πμ, Rolf-Werner Eilert wrote:
> Wouldn't it be good to bring the website back to life? Wouldn't it be
> better to collect all instructions at a single place?
> I remember LTSP 3 when I stumbled over it, there was a state-of-the-art
> to-do-list written by the project's founder which was the reason for me
> to stay with it.
> A good project needs a good website. Who is in charge of it? Maybe a
> starting point would be to collect, translate and publish all these
> documents.

We lack the man power to do that, but if you're offering to do it, or if 
anyone else is offering, the ltsp devs could give them access to the web 
site and even answer whatever questions arise while documenting things.

And of course if someone is willing to sponsor documentation or code, 
I'm sure persons will be found to do it.


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