Doug Cutting wrote:

If you add things that will appear in the javadoc then they need javadoc comments.

OK... thats not a problem.

Also, I assume that the reason you make the reader field protected is because getReader() is not sufficient, i.e., you want to set the reader. This would stylistically be better done with a setReader() method, no? Do you only change it at construction, or at runtime? If you only change it at construction, then super(reader) in the constructor might suffice.

We change it at runtime. This is a ReloadableIndexSearcher that I developed that can reload if an index has been optimized() or added to by another external process. I just have my external process do the merger and then call reload() on the main index. The cool thing about this approach is that the entire webapp is operational while this happens. While the swap is happening searches just backup for a second and then complete. It also doesn't require 2x memory because I can dispose of the current reader, block searches, then open the new reader.

I was going to contribute this patch but it requires the package which is a backport of the JDK 1.5 java.util.concurrent stuff.

The reason I ask is that folks might cache things for a Searcher, and these might be invalidated if the reader changes, thus we shouldn't make it too easy to change the reader. Lucene's built-in caching is all keyed by the IndexReader, not the Searcher, so should not be broken by such an addition.

Why don't we do this. I don't think we should have a setReader then. This way there's no strong contract that developers preserve things that might break caching. I'd like to keep the protected change though. This way it's a way of accepting that I'm taking my life in my own hands and developers don't have to deal with anything more complex.


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