Doug Cutting wrote:

Kevin A. Burton wrote:

I *realize* that there are other ways to do this but we have some legacy code that can't be rewritten right now. Thus the change to protected and using a reloadable implementation.

Changing Lucene's API to be back-compatible with an altered version of Lucene is not a compelling argument for this change.

Oh... maybe I wasn't explaining myself correctly. I have my *own* version of an IndexSearcher in my own package that extends IndexSearcher. The protected is just so that I can extend it ;)

Anyway... its not a big deal if you -1 me...

I don't have a problem with those. They seem like fine additions. I probably don't have time to commit them today, but will try to get to it tomorrow if no one else does first.

Sweet! Thanks! Thats 99% there so I'm happy :)



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