Doug Cutting wrote:

Kevin A. Burton wrote:

Is there any way to reduce this footprint? The index is fully optimized... I'm willing to take a performance hit if necessary. Is this documented anywhere?

You can increase TermInfosWriter.indexInterval. You'll need to re-write the .tii file for this to take effect. The simplest way to do this is to use IndexWriter.addIndexes(), adding your index to a new, empty, directory. This will of course take a while for a 60GB index...

(Note... when this works I'll note my findings in a wiki page for future developers)

Two more questions:

1. Do I have to do this with a NEW directory? Our nightly index merger uses an existing "target" index which I assume will re-use the same settings as before? I did this last night and it still seems to use the same amount of memory. Above you assert that I should use a new empty directory and I'll try that tonight.

2. This isn't destructive is it? I mean I'll be able to move BACK to a TermInfosWriter.indexInterval of 128 right?




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