Dear Jon,

> Somewhere in the vague distances of my mind I remember singing in Finnish.
> There is a recollection that the name of the country, or the people, was
> Suuomi (spelling?). Is my memory totally failed, or is there a word that is
> similar that describes the country.

Well yes, in Finnish Finland is "Suomi" and Finnish language is "suomi". 
So the country names start with capital letters and language names not.

And at the end of this Finnish lesson there are some names of countries
and instruments...  ;-)

Alankomaat Netherlands
Englanti England
Ruotsi Sweden
Tanska Denmark
Norja Norway
Saksa Germany
Itävalta Austria
Italia Italy
Espanja Spain
Kanada Canada
Venäjä Russia
Yhdysvallat United States
Japani Japan
Viro Estonia

luuttu lute
teorbi theorbo
kitara guitar
viulu violin
nokkahuilu recorder
sello cello
kantele kantele

Arto   ;)

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