Now finally to the correct list ....

---------- Forwarded message -----------
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Markus Lutz)
To: (Barocklauten-Liste), [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Dear Martin,
now again to you and the net. 
Your fwd hasn't made it way to the lute-net, as attachments are deleted.

This teasing was no problem for me, as I surely caught the point ;-).
Indeed today we (at least I) are very used to read from sight.
As I do read very easily I never tried to  play by heart.
Memorizing never was a favorite of mine. 

und viele Grüße zurück


On Tue, 08 Feb 2005 12:52:27 +0000, Martin Shepherd wrote:

MS> Dear Markus,
MS> Sorry I was teasing a bit - and in a second language that's not good.
MS> Yes, I meant they didn't play from facsimile either, they played from
MS> memory, improvised - but they didn't have our bias towards reading music
MS> as they performed.
MS> Mit freundlicher Gruesse,
MS> Martin
MS> Markus Lutz wrote:
MS> >Do I understand that correctly? You mean one should play by heart ;-).
MS> >Or another (heretical) thought: the music stands are missing in paintings 
(and photos as well) because the would obscure the view to the musician ...
MS> >
MS> >Best
MS> >Markus
MS> >
MS> >On Tue, 08 Feb 2005 10:55:34 +0000, Martin Shepherd wrote:
MS> >MS> >
MS> >MS> >If one wants to play as historical as possible there's no other way 
than playing from facsimile.
MS> >MS> >
MS> >MS> >
MS> >MS> Hmm.... I haven't seen too many music stands in paintings of musicians
MS> >MS> from the Renaissance and Baroque - and most printed books have page
MS> >MS> turns in the middle of pieces as well!
MS> >MS>
MS> >MS> Best wishes to All,
MS> >MS>
MS> >MS> Martin
MS> >MS>
MS> >MS> >
MS> >MS> >
MS> >MS>
MS> >MS>
MS> >MS>
MS> >MS> To get on or off this list see list information at
MS> >MS>
MS> >MS>
MS> >
MS> >
MS> >
MS> >
MS> >
MS> >
MS> >

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